Manose – Suskera: Solo Bamboo Flute

A wonderful music with the bamboo flute played by Manose (

Soothing to hear between all the hustle and bustle of Christmas and a great gift.

I wish you all a wonderful Christmas and for the new year health, peace and love.

And now a little Christmas present in the words of the Hopi, the people of peace.

I am the country,

my eyes are the sky,

my limbs the trees.

I am the rock, the depth of the water.

I’m not here to control Mother Earth,

or exploit them.

I am nature myself.

Mantra – Our Message of Love (Book with Mantra CD)

Following the recent article about the self-healing study (60-day challenge) I would like to recommend a book including a CD of the most important mantras sung by Deva Premal and Miten. It is called Mantra – Our Message Of Love.

A great book with many impressive photos, interesting and personal experiences, stories about encounters with people and friends, their musical work, explanations of the mantras, and much more. The book and the music are beautiful. As the title of the book already conveys, Deva Premal and Miten are ambassadors of love. And that feels, sees and hears.

Other CD’s are available at:, other Internet sales platforms or in book and CD stores.

Self-Healing Study – Mantra Medicine With Deva Premal And You

Für unsere deutschsprachigen Freunde:Hier ist ein Gespräch (vor ein paar Wochen auf Corfu aufgenommen) wo ich mit Ingo (Dr Ingfried Hobert) über die Selbstheilungs-Studie rede, bei der inzwischen schon ungefähr zweitausend Leute mitmachen. Du kannst jederzeit einsteigen, um zu erforschen, wie heilende Mantren (in Kombination mit einer alten ayurvedischen Kräuterrezeptur oder auch nicht) einen nachhaltigen Einfluß auf Deine Lebensqualität, körperliche Gesundheit und Jugendlichkeit haben.Hier ist die website, um mehr darüber zu erfahren, und dich kostenfrei anzumelden:

Posted by Deva Premal and Miten on Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Ingfried Hobert (specialist in general medicine and naturopathy), Deva Premal (Mantra interpreter, musician) and you in this study (60-day challenge) want to find out to what extent healing mantras in connection with an ayurvedic herb blend (Triphala) have a positive effect on your health, quality of life, and youthfulness. I am also very curious about the outcome. Participation in this study is for free. If you are interested, you can visit directly get all further information and sign up, as well.

I wish you a great experience.


The Maharishi Ayurveda Privat-Klinik In Bad Ems Germany

In this article I’d like to introduce you to the Ayurveda Privat-Klinik in Bad Ems by leveraging its official video material.

Basically, I can recommend those interested to undergo a Ayurveda (Panchakarma or detoxification treatment, respectively) or specialty treatments in the country of residence. Long journeys, for example, to Asia, have the tendency to not only be costly, but also to increase Vata-Dosha, which was decreased by the treatment. It should also be noted that not every Panchakarma treatment abroad is a classical treatment. Rather, it is often just a spa treatment and might not achieve the desired results. Therefore, it is important to always inform yourself very well and comprehensively. Although the Panchakarma treatment of an Ayurvedic Center is the core of its treatments, there are also special treatments for various ailments and disorders. These can be explored in advance on the center’s homepage or by phone. My recommendations are for your reference only, and based on my own positive experiences.


The Knowledge Of Life – Ayurveda In Sri Lanka – A Film Documentary From The TV-Channel Arte

The land of Ayurveda. Sri Lanka is known for its oversupply of Ayurvedic cures. You can find them on every street corner. Therefore, it is important to prepare well and find an authentic spa hotel. Unfortunately, I can not give recommendations because I have no experience in this regard. Nevertheless, it is interesting to accompany two women from Berlin on their journey. Also, it is interesting to see that the Ayurvedic cures can be quite different, depending on the country and region. Basically, all Ayurveda cures have one thing in common. The health maintenance or health restoration of the person, physically as well as psychologically. Yoga and meditation are also an important part of this. Have a look at it and learn again. Enjoy.


YogaMeHome – Online-Yoga

YogaMeHome is an online yoga class with video tutorials for anyone who wants to practice yoga at any time at home, and who does not want to go without specialist instructions.

However, before I recommend these courses, I would like to point out that I have tried the exercises myself before this writing and they feel really great. There are many different exercise categories for beginners, unsportsmanlike, advanced, and more. There is something for everyone. There is even a free 14-day trial subscription, where you can test, whether you like it or not. So, if you’ve been fond of trying out yoga for a long time, then this is your opportunity.

