Entdeckung 360° Geo Reportage Indien, heilendes Ayurveda

Again a very impressive overview, about what is all possible with Ayurveda and is currently also accepted and practiced by the school medicine. In this film, two ailments show how Ayurveda is used and works. It is a 360° GEO report about the Ayurveda treatment of two patients, one with severe arthritis, and the other one with age diabetes. In just a few weeks, the symptoms of both patients were drastically reduced. The Vaidyas, Indian healer families, who have passed on their knowledge to subsequent generations for centuries, are also reported.


Update from YouTube: “360 ° Geo Reportage: India, …” The YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated due to several third-party reports of copyright infringement.”

Update September 2018: The movie is now available on YouTube again, see:

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